Aircraft That Went Missing - A plane disappeared after 37 years and landed? Armed with the facts, we see that the mystery of Pan Am Flight 914 is not so mysterious.

The bizarre story of Pan Am Flight 914 has been shared by UFO blogs and conspiratorial websites as if it has baffled experts for decades. This "unsolved" incident is said to involve a plane that took off from New York in 1955 with 57 passengers, disappeared for 37 years, then resurfaced as if nothing had happened and landed in Miami.

Aircraft That Went Missing

Aircraft That Went Missing

Various solutions have been proposed to explain the mystery of Pan Am Flight 914, the most popular of which is that this plane flies through a kind of time travel portal. The real explanation is more mundane: The Pan Am Flight 914 saga is a work of fiction originating from Weekly World News, a notorious tabloid that operated between 1979 and 2007 (the magazine would later be re-released as a web-only publication).

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In June 2019, the YouTube page "Bright Side" renewed interest in this "puzzle" with a viral video with more than 5 million views:

The first seven minutes of this nine-minute video of the mystery surrounding the Pan Am Flight 914 saga. Positive Look only mentions the possibility of this story being a work of fiction until the seventh minute. Judging by the large number of inquiries we received on this subject at the end of June 2019, we believe that many viewers did not watch the entire movie.

The story of Pan Am Flight 914 does not begin in 1955 at New York Airport. In fact, it begins with an article in Weekly World News thirty years later:

World Weekly News was a notorious tabloid famous for publishing fictional fictional stories, such as this little story about a time traveler arrested for insider trading, this story about a man suing himself after hitting himself with a bouncing wheelbarrow, and these fake photos of the "giant". . structures osteoarthritis; So Weekly World News is not a reliable news source.

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Weekly World News has published this story at least twice more, once in 1993 and once again in 1999. Interestingly, the publication used two different photos of two different men as if showing "eyewitness" air traffic controller Juan de la Corte:

Similar to today's disinformation providers, Weekly World News used irrelevant images to tell their stories. For example, the photo of the plane in this article does not show Pan Am Flight 914 landing in Miami 37 years later. This is actually a stock image available via Alamy, which lists the aircraft as DC-4:

Finally, we searched the newspaper archives for current articles about the disappearance of a plane. Not surprisingly, we found no credible reports of the disappearance of Pan Am Flight 914.

Aircraft That Went Missing

Fans of the science fiction series "Twilight Zone" may have experienced some deja vu while reading this story. Although the fictional story of Pan Am Flight 914 originated in Weekly World News, it is reminiscent of the 1961 episode of the sci-fi show "Flight 33". Copyright © 2023, Los Angeles Times | Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | California Notice of Collection | Do not sell or share my personal information

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The wreckage of Asiana Flight 214 lies on the ground after it crashed at San Francisco International Airport, in this July 6, 2013 aerial file photo. The Boeing 777 has one of the best safety records in aviation history.

The most dangerous parts of a flight are takeoff and landing. Accidents are rare when an airplane is flying seven miles above the ground.

Thus, the disappearance of a Malaysian Airlines plane during its flight over the South China Sea on Saturday morning left aviation experts to assume that everything was happening quickly, and the pilots had no time to make a distress call.

It could take researchers months or even years to determine what happened to the Boeing 777 as it flew from Malaysia's largest city, Kuala Lumpur, to Beijing.

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"At this early stage, we're focusing on facts we don't know," said Todd Curtis, a former Boeing safety engineer who worked on the 777 wide-body aircraft and is now the director of .

The Malaysian Air Force Commander said on Sunday that military radar showed the missing Boeing 777 may have returned before it disappeared while authorities were investigating the four suspected passengers. These discoveries add to the mystery surrounding the last minutes of the journey. Air Force Commander Rodzali Daoud did not specify which direction the aircraft deviated when it apparently deviated from its course, or how long it had been flying in that direction, and said that some of the information he obtained was confirmed by civilian radar. .

If the information about the U-turn is correct, it reduces the likelihood of the plane experiencing a catastrophic explosion, but raises more questions as to why the pilots didn't call for help. Should a minor mechanical failure occur – or even something more serious, like shutting down both engines of the plane – pilots will likely have time to radio in for help. The absence of a call "indicates that something very sudden and violent has occurred," said William Waldock, professor of accident investigation at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona.

Aircraft That Went Missing

There may have been a sudden drop in the plane or something that sent it into a quick, sharp dive. Some experts have even suggested an act of terrorism or a pilot's deliberate downing of the plane.

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"Either you had a catastrophic event that shattered the plane, or you committed a crime," said Scott Hamilton, managing director of aviation consulting firm Leeham.

Experts warn that no matter how likely a scenario is, it's too soon to rule out any possibility. The best tips will come with flight data recovery, audio recorders, and debris inspection. The Federal Bureau of Investigation, the National Transportation Safety Board, US investigators from the Federal Aviation Administration, and Boeing experts were flying to Asia to assist with the investigation.

An intense international sea search has so far found no confirmed traces of the plane, although Vietnamese officials said late Sunday that a low-flying plane had detected a rectangular object in waters about 90 kilometers (56 miles) south of the island. Chu is in the oil slick area on Saturday. The government newspaper Than Nien said investigators found what appeared to be one of the plane's doors, citing the Vietnam army's deputy chief of staff.

Airplane crashes often occur during takeoff and boarding or arriving for landing, away from the airport, as happened with an Asiana Airlines plane crash in San Francisco last year. According to Boeing's Statistical Summary of Commercial Jet Accidents, only 9 percent of fatal crashes occur while an aircraft is at cruising altitude.

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Whatever happened to the Malaysia Airlines plane, it happened quickly, said Captain John M. Cox, who has spent 25 years flying for US Airways and is now CEO of Secure Operating Systems. He said the problem must have been significant enough to prevent the aircraft from broadcasting its transponder's position, but that the transponder may have been intentionally turned off from the cockpit.

One of the first indications of what has happened will be the size of the debris field. If it is large and spread over tens of kilometers, the aircraft may have crashed at a high altitude. This could indicate a bomb or a major hull failure. Had it been a smaller area, the plane would likely have dropped solidly from 35,000 feet and would have disintegrated on contact with the water.

The Boeing 777 has one of the best safety records in aviation history. It first carried passengers in June 1995 and spent 18 years without a fatal accident. This series ended with the collapse of Asiana in July 2013. Three of the 307 people on that flight died. Saturday's Malaysia Airlines flight with 239 passengers and crew will be the second fatal accident of its kind.

Aircraft That Went Missing

"It's one of the most reliable airplanes ever made," said John Goglia, a former member of the US National Transportation Safety Board.

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Catastrophic structural failure. Most aircraft are made of aluminum, which is prone to corrosion over time, especially in high humidity areas. But given the aircraft's long history and impressive safety record, experts say it's unlikely that the Rolls-Royce Trent 800's fuselage or engines will fail.

A greater threat to aircraft safety is the constant pressurization and depressurization of the cabin for takeoff and landing. In April 2011, a Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 made an emergency landing shortly after taking off from Phoenix after its fuselage ruptured, causing a 5-foot tear. The plane, with 118 passengers on board, landed safely. But in this case such a rupture is less likely. 777 airlines fly longer distances, much more

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