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marshall law ukraine

Marshall Law Ukraine - Russian President Vladimir Putin said the new measures are aimed at supporting Russia's "special military operation" [File: Mikhail Klimentyev/Sputnik/Kremlin Pool/AP]

Russian President Vladimir Putin has imposed martial law in partially occupied Ukrainian territories that Moscow claimed it annexed last month but is trying to defend as part of an ongoing counter-offensive.

Marshall Law Ukraine

Marshall Law Ukraine

In a televised address to members of his Security Council on Wednesday, Putin said the new measures were aimed at strengthening the security powers of all of Russia's regional governors to support what he called a "special military operation".

Putin Decrees 'martial Law' In Occupied Territories Of Ukraine

The announcement represents Putin's latest escalation in dealing with a series of major defeats on the battlefield since early September.

Putin's decree sets different levels of "martial law readiness" in Russia and the Russian-occupied Ukrainian territories. These range from "basic" throughout Russia to "maximum" in the Russian-occupied regions of Kherson, Zaporozhye, Donetsk and Luhansk.

In four areas of maximum readiness, the order grants sweeping emergency powers to governors appointed by Russia to "meet the needs of the Russian armed forces" and calls for the establishment of a "territorial defense" command with unspecified roles.

Russian-appointed officials in Kherson, amid growing pressure from a Ukrainian counteroffensive, have already announced a seven-day ban on civilian entry into the area. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Saldo, quoted by state news agency TASS, said on Wednesday that the curfew was unnecessary for now, shortly before confirming he was handing over power to the military.

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Shortly before Putin's announcement, Saldo urged residents to evacuate the Dnieper River, telling them to move "to any part of Russia" and saying the Russian government would provide housing vouchers. Ukraine called the evacuation a "propaganda" show.

The decree also allows governments to "temporarily house" civilians. Ukraine has accused Russia of expelling people from occupied territories, while the United States estimated in September that Russia may have forcibly deported between 900,000 and 1.6 million Ukrainians.

In addition, martial law in Russia automatically means general or partial mobilization of troops. A partial mobilization has already taken place in Russia and has extended to the occupied territories, so it is unclear whether more men will be called up.

Marshall Law Ukraine

The decree also calls for unspecified "mobilization measures in the economic sector". According to an analysis by the Washington-based Institute for the Study of War (ISW), this is likely to provide economic and industrial support for Putin's mobilization of at least 300,000 Russian men.

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In a statement on Thursday, the ISW called Putin's statement "largely legal theater designed to legitimize the activities that the Russian military has or is already doing, creating a framework for future mobilization and internal restrictions."

He added: “These transfers are likely to be necessary to meet basic military requirements such as feeding, housing, equipping and transporting mobilized and demobilized troops to the front line. force defense contractors or other private businesses to conform to government production requirements and more easily control both the Russian population and the Ukrainian civilian population in Russian-occupied parts of Ukraine."

Putin said the move was in response to the Ukrainian government not accepting the results of a popular vote in four annexed regions last month. Ukraine and its Western allies rejected the legitimacy of the so-called referendums, calling them "fake".

"As is known, the regime in Kyiv refused to recognize the will of the people," Putin said. "We are trying to solve complex, large-scale challenges in terms of ensuring Russia's security and protecting Russia's future by defending our people."

What Is Martial Law, And Why Did Putin Impose It In Ukraine Territories?

The imposition of martial law is the latest in a series of escalating moves as Russia faces heavy battlefield losses on the southern and eastern fronts.

The governor of the Mykolaiv region in southern Ukraine, Vitaly Kim, said he believed Putin's decree was intended to allow Russia to "mobilize our people who remained" in the occupied territories. Forcing civilians to serve in the armed forces of an occupying power is defined as a violation of the Geneva Conventions on the Conduct of War.

According to ISW, Putin "may be preparing the ground for a less orthodox kind of under-the-radar mobilization: the creation of Ukrainian-style territorial defense units."

Marshall Law Ukraine

The Territorial Defense Forces of Ukraine consist of a core of veterans and part-time reservists, mostly officers, but in time of war they can be raised from civilian volunteers who are then led by an officer corps.

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According to ISW, Yevgeny Prigozhin, the financier of the private military company Wagner, announced on Wednesday that he had instructed Wagner's commander-in-chief Andrey Bogatov to "create a people's militia."

Wagner, a shadowy mercenary network that has provided mercenary fighters in Syria, Mali and the Central African Republic in recent years, has gained a growing public profile in Ukraine. The group is allegedly financed and controlled by Prigozhin, a Russian oligarch known as "Putin's chef" for his many catering contracts, through a network of front companies.

Mykhaylo Podoliak, an adviser to the Ukrainian president, said on Twitter that the entry of troops "doesn't change anything" for Ukrainian forces. "We continue to liberate and occupy our territories."

The application of "martial law" in the territories occupied by the Russian Federation should be considered only as a pseudo-legalization of the looting of Ukrainians' property by further "reconstruction". It does not change anything for Ukraine: we continue to liberate and expropriate our territories. — Михайло Подоляк (@Podolyak_M) October 19, 2022

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Sergiy Khlan, an aide to the ousted head of the Kherson region, said Putin's goal was to "create a kind of panic in Kherson and an image [to support] propaganda."

"Putin's martial law in the annexed regions of Ukraine is a preparation for the mass deportation of the Ukrainian population to the degraded regions of Russia in order to change the ethnic composition of the occupied territories," said Danilov.

US President Joe Biden said the measure was a sign that Putin was "in an incredibly difficult position".

Marshall Law Ukraine

“To me, that means the only tool he has is to brutalize violent citizens in Ukraine and Ukrainian citizens to try to intimidate them into surrendering. They won't do it," he told reporters on Wednesday.

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The US State Department has previously said that Russia is resorting to "desperate tactics" to maintain control over the annexed territories.

"It should surprise no one that Russia is resorting to desperate tactics to try to assert control over these areas," State Department Deputy Spokesman Vedant Patel said at a daily news conference. Photo: REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko poses for a photo with soldiers during a rehearsal for the Independence Day military parade in Kyiv in August 2018.

Martial law is in place in some parts of Ukraine, giving authorities broad powers to ban demonstrations, seize property and detain foreigners.

Emergency powers were granted to Ukrainian authorities by the country's parliament in response to the escalating conflict with Russia, which culminated in a short-lived naval battle in the Sea of ​​Azov.

Ukraine In Focus

Members of parliament in the capital Kyiv on Monday voted to impose martial law in some parts of the country from Wednesday morning. They granted the powers to President Petro Poroshenko's government after he claimed they were necessary to protect "the state sovereignty and independence of Ukraine".

Ukraine has been at war with Russia since 2014, when pro-Russian militants launched revolutions in two eastern provinces and Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula.

Martial law will apply from Wednesday for 30 days, the parliament decided. It will enter into force in 10 of Ukraine's 27 regions, many of which border Russia and the Black and Azov Seas.

Marshall Law Ukraine

#Ukraine has imposed martial law in only 10 regions - those regions that border Russia, occupy #Crimea, occupy #Transnistria in Moldova or have access to the sea: M5lqzXTLTs — Alex Kokcharov (@AlexKokcharov) November 26, 2018

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Poroshenko said in parliament that martial law "will be applied only in case of a Russian military attack".

His decree did not specify what restrictions would take effect, but Ukrainian law gives the authorities broad powers. The Ukrainian newspaper Kyiv Post explained other possible consequences.

They include the confiscation of private property, the control of the mass media, and the deportation and detention of aliens.

The law also allows for the banning of protests, elections and political activities deemed by the government to be a security threat.

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"I hope that politicians and mass media will act responsibly and adequately in the current situation and will not attack Ukraine with positions borrowed from Russian propagandists," he said.

In his order, he stated that martial law is necessary "for an adequate response to the escalation of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine."

He said no other legal or constitutional option was sufficient to preserve the country's independence amid escalating tensions with Russia.

Marshall Law Ukraine

Russia claims the ships illegally entered Russian waters and fired in response, Russian state news agency Tass reported, citing Russia's Federal Security Service.

Russian Attack On Ukraine

In a statement on Monday, the Russian Foreign Ministry accused Ukraine of conducting "a well-thought-out provocation that took place at a predetermined location and in a predetermined format."

Poroshenko said in his decree that the country would strengthen its border with Russia, mobilize reserve forces and strengthen counterterrorism and counterintelligence programs.

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